This has turned somewhat into a series of blog posts outlining my transition to Linux as my daily driver. I’m not new to Linux, and have run various variants of Linux on servers (Slackware and Ubuntu mostly). The desktop experience has been a little different as there are certain things I have been so used to on Windows – and I don’t like too much change all at once!

These steps may carry over to other versions of Ubuntu. I will now show you how to Minimise windows on Ubuntu 18.04 with Super + M.

This post will go though changing the ‘minimise all windows’ keyboard shortcut from Control + Super (Windows Key) + D to Super (Windows Key) + M.

Super + M by default on Ubuntu 18.04 opens the Message Tray. The Message Tray can also be opened with Super + V.

First up I will remove the key bindings for ‘toggle message tray’. To do this open Terminal and run the following command:

gsettings set toggle-message-tray "@as []"

This will  remove the key bindings for both Super + M &  Super + V. We can re-add Super + V so we still have a keyboard shortcut for the message tray with the following command.

gsettings set toggle-message-tray "['<Super>v']"

Now to add Super + M to minimise windows.

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings show-desktop "['<Super>m']"

You can now minimise all open windows the way the 90’s Microsoft Corporation intended.